Membuat Anti virus Kspoold dg Notepad

Membuat Anti virus Kspoold dg NotePad Virus Kspoold sebenernya bukan virus yg merusak Sistem.Mereka tidak memBlok fitur2 Windows seperti Task Manager,Run,Registry Editor dll.Tapi mereka meng-Infect file2 Word,Exel dll.Jadi pembuatan removalnya-pun lebih mudah.Tapi tidak ada salahnya kita belajar untuk membuat Anti-Virus Kspoold kita sendiri...ya kan?Sekarang kita akan membuat Kspoold removal hanya dengan berbekal NotePad. Oke langsung aja. ======================================================== Echo off Cls REM - Ubah Warna Color A REM - Ubah Judul Title Kspoold Killer * By N4is3N (Atau nama anda sendiri) REM - Masuk ke Direktori Sistem %SYSTEMDRIVE% cd %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Pause Echo. REM - Hapus Registry yg di buat sebagai service virus Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\CurentControlSet\Service\KspooldDaemon"/f REM - Hentikan Proses Virus TaskKill /IM Kspoold.exe /F /T REM - Set Atribut file Virus menjadi normal Attrib -s -h -r Kspoold.exe REM - Hapus file Virus Del Kspoold.exe Cls Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Echo Press any key to continue... Echo. Echo Well done -The "Kspoold" was completely removed Echo. Pause ======================================================== Copy paste Script di atas ke dalam NotePad, dan simpan sebagai Kspoold Killer.BAT. Setelah di simpan, silakan jalankan dng cara mengKlik dua kali pada file Kspoold Killer.bat


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